Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I've torn myself away from Vancouver and met up with the folks for a drive around the Rockies. Highlights include a raft tour down a river (approximately Grade 1 compared to my near-death style experience at Queenstown) and my discovery of the wonderfully named Lake Minnewanka which has led to me saying the name at every opportunity and trying to pass it off for Tourettes. I survived clam chowder at a scarily named Ecoli Fisheries Restaurant in Oregon, but am now being eaten alive by Canadian mosquitos - considerably more evil than their Fijian counterparts who perhaps have a more laid-back approach to life. My leg has become a snack bar and i suspect i have a few locals frequenting the place, despite my efforts to evict them with bug spray. By the time i arrive back in Vancouver i may well be resembling a swollen human Twiglet. That added with the patches of sunburn is making me look absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately the only things that seem attracted to me are the aforementioned bugs. One can't be too picky I suppose.


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