Ottawa, the capital of Canada. I'd been intending to go here since i was at UBC 2 years ago and finally i got there. I've heard countless times that Ottawa is beautiful. True that. Sadly i only had time for one day there and half of that was spent doing tours around the parliament buildings and standing in rooms where history was made. Slightly sad, but i must confess that some of the highlights of my whole trip have been tours around houses of government! I love the borrowed elements and the history in the architecture. The influence of the gothic and Westminster is pretty obvious in the Parliament building, but i also love the other buildings in the city, which have clear European influences. This is possibly the only city in Canada where the bilingualism laws make sense, and it was my first feeling that the eastern side of the continent was starting to bear a resemblence to home. Ottawa has a great cafe culture and a wonderful cosmopolitain atmosphere with an accumulation of cultures in a laid back and cosy-sized green city. The UK and Europe felt just a short hop away.